Sports have a large and old tradition in our society; since the dawn of man, we have tried to compete with one another in showing our physical prowess and performing better than our opponents. The tribal instinct comes into play here, as it is responsible for the energy and dedication that we put into each and every game; of course, not everyone is fit or willing to play – someone would just rather sit in front of a large TV and cheer for their team vigorously. It truly is one of the most popular pastime activities of all time, as is online gambling or betting on our favorite team with the MapleBet Bonus. When it comes to football, Premier League is, without doubt, one of the most esteemed championships in the world. But even they have felt the disastrous consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. So how exactly has the pandemic affected the Premier League?
Suspending the competition
The first big decision that had been made was suspending the entire competition in March 2020, as there was no precise information available about the virus or how to keep it safe and prevent infection.

During that time, there was some intense planning, and a 2/stage plan was implemented to help get the league up and running as soon as possible. Stage One included players training under strict measurements in small groups, and stage two, which happened in the second half of May, included regular training. After that, the season could officially continue in June of 2020, but with a little twist – no audience could attend the games.
The stadiums
One of the most thrilling things, when it comes to football, is the fact that you can go to a stadium with a group of friends, and enjoy watching your favorite of the two teams play. There are a lot of emotions at hand, and it is truly a cathartic experience. However, the measures that were taken to ensure that the virus would not be spread meant that no spectators were allowed to attend games. The Premier League stadiums, known for their lively atmosphere, fell silent without a single spectator in their seats. There were attempts to rectify this by adding artificial noises that would simulate the existence of fans at the stadium, but it is practically impossible to transfer the real English football game experience without a full stadium of people. At the end of 2020, some clubs were allowed to admit a small number of their fans back into the stadiums.
The medical precautions

The Premier League would not have gone through the whole crisis if there had not been meticulous planning and risk assessment. The people in charge of the planning really did a great job preparing for the possibility of the stadiums opening, and even though nobody can completely exclude the possibility of a small outbreak, it is certain that every possible precaution has been taken. In the second half of May, the first games are not admitting any away fans, so as to minimize the risk of spreading potential infections over a large area.
Hopefully, after the vaccinations have covered the greater part of the population, we will see crowded stadiums and happy faces in the crowd once more. However, up until then, it is up to us to stay bravely in front of the TV screens and patiently wait for the moment when we can once again go and enjoy the game live.